Food System Resilience is A Critical Foundation for Our Future, and a Shared Responsibility for All

Your support enables agroecological “on farm” research projects that will play an important role in food system transformation.

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Why agroecological “on farm” research projects?

On-farm agroecological research involves farmers in creating sustainable solutions for their farms and communities. It provides practical knowledge, funding, and decision-making power to farmers, while researchers gain access to real-world experiences. Collaboration and knowledge-sharing between farmers and researchers are critical for creating a more sustainable and resilient agricultural system.

Why agroecology?

Agroecology plays a critical role in transforming our food system and addressing climate change. It involves a holistic approach to agriculture that prioritizes ecological health, social equity, and resilience. By promoting practices such as crop diversification, agroforestry, and soil conservation, agroecology can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase carbon sequestration, and improve the resilience of agricultural systems to climate change impacts.

Our role

AGRii DAO is a community of people who are proactively working toward food system transformation and more sustainable and equitable future.

We promote open science principles and want to attract researchers all over the world.

We want to reach the most in need by involving them in research projects and by utilizing community-guided decision making process.

We sperad awarness about agroecology to shift in cultural values that will play a significant role in shaping policies, decision-making, and public opinion about agriculture, which can facilitate the scaling of agroecology.

How we utilize the support you provide us

No matter what the outcome of the project is, whether it results in a new technology, practice, or product, every agroecological "on-farm" research project contributes positively to the transformation of our food system.